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Many common medical interventions for pain, limited range of motion, and other issues include strong drugs with undesirable side effects, injections, surgical repairs, joint replacements, or deadening or killing nerves and/or blood vessels. These interventions can cost thousands of dollars and in the end actually lead to other dysfunctions and a cycle of pain and invasive procedures that never seem to end. Restoring fascia to its healthy state, on the other hand, is a non-invasive treatment that produces powerful, long lasting results. In many cases, this means that more invasive procedures such as injections or surgery may be postponed or even avoided altogether, especially when coupled with proper movement and exercise. Also, having a series of treatments before surgery to get the tissue as healthy as possible beforehand and post-surgery to increase blood flow and manage scar tissue as part of an overall rehabilitation program helps the body to heal quicker and stronger afterward.


We can often achieve great results in one session. However, to really create lasting change requires time and commitment. Sometimes this can be difficult; most of us have to budget our finances and our time. However, it is important to realize that self-care is health care. Therapeutic massage and bodywork is not a luxury or a treat; it is a therapy that can have profound affects on your well-being.


As a general rule of thumb, for health maintenance we recommend having a monthly massage treatment. If your goal is pain management, we recommend coming in once a week. If you are ready to work on finding and treating the cause of your pain or restricted movement, we recommend two sessions per week for a few weeks. This will give us a chance to calm the nervous system and establish a good baseline for determining the best way forward. In addition, home care is essential - learning and working on correct posture and movement patterns; exercising to achieve strength, flexibility, and coordination; using the FasciaBlaster tools to smooth out your fascia on a regular basis. We would love to help you put together a self-care FasciaBlasting program that allows you to take your well-being into your own hands, to stop the cycle of pain and fear, and to create your own health. We are here to help.



Integrated Wellness Therapeutic Massage


CranioSacral Therapy

Massage Cupping


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FasciaBlasting 101

FasciaBlaster Tools

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Fascia is "a 'master key' that's as crucial as knowing you need water, oxygen, and blood to survive. Once you have this key, you can open as many doors as you'd like. You can change your body in ways you never thought possible. You can correct health and orthopedic issues you were previously told you couldn't. You can obliterate cellulite, pain, restrictions, and more...At the surface, [this book] is about taking back control of your body, but ultimately it's about taking back control of your life."

- The Cellulite Myth: It's Not Fat, It's Fascia by Ashley Black


What is Fascia? And why does it need to be released?

Fascia is the amazing system of connective tissue that surrounds and permeates all other systems inside our body. It plays a substantial role in our structure and stability, in movement and flexibility, in immunology, in memory and emotions. It effects posture, range of motion, circulation, neurological responses, pain sensations. It is a continuous network of tissue that connects our entire body from the top of our head to the tips of our toes, from our skin to our fat to our muscles to our bones, from our blood vessels to our internal organs, from our brain to our spine to our nerves. My favorite fact about fascia is that the web is complete at week 3 of an embryo; that shows truly how foundational it is.


Our fascia is designed to move freely, easily rubbing back and forth against other tissues. However, when an injury or trauma occurs, the sticky fibers of fascia contract and tighten in a protective way to prevent further injury. These adhesions, when left untreated, lead to restrictions and eventually to more serious issues such as impaired movement, loss of range of motion, compensatory patterns, perpetually contracted and lengthened tissues resulting in overused and weakened muscles, and pain. For an example, take a look at the thoracolumbar fascia in the low back below. The first video shows healthy, unrestricted fascia, while the second video shows injured fascia that is adhered together (scar tissue). Note the freedom of movement verses the loss of function.

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