Please click here to review the Waxing Services Guidelines prior to receiving any waxing service.
As with all services, it is important that you understand the potential benefits and possible side effects of any massage and bodywork, skincare and resurfacing, and waxing treatment or service you receive. This information will help determine if the treatment is appropriate for you and will help to ensure that it is as comfortable and effective as possible. Please review any applicable documents below and let your therapist know if you have any questions or concerns. If you are under the ongoing care of a physician, you should discuss your treatment plan with him or her before proceeding.

Please click here to review the Massage and Bodywork Treatment Guidelines prior to receiving any massage and/or bodywork service.

Please click here to review the Facial, Skincare, and Resurfacing Treatment Guidelines prior to receiving any skincare service.

Please click here to review the Preventative Regenerative Fasciology Treatment Guidelines prior to receiving any PRF / FasciaBlasting service.

Please click here to review the Spa Body Treatment Guidelines prior to receiving any body treatment service.

Please click here to review the Massage Cupping Treatment Guidelines prior to receiving any cupping service.